Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Who are the International Institute of IT Economics?

The International Institute of IT Economics (IIIE) is dedicated to better understanding of the costs and benefits (TCO and ROI) of Information Technology investments. Our mission is to validate the value proposition of IT investments through rigorous methodology, market insights and extensive experience. IIIE provides research, audit, certification and consulting services to IT vendors and buyers.

IIIE works with IT vendors that use Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and ROI as a competitive differentiator and marketing tool. All major and most small and medium IT vendors have a TCO story and many have developed models that demonstrate the cost difference between their solution and the competition. The competition may be another vendor’s solution or the status quo – i.e., no decision.

IIIE offers an independent audit and certification of the baseline models used to perform these analyses, the specific analyses themselves and the follow-up to determine actual cost/benefits realization.

Deal Desk

IIIE works with IT vendors to act as "expert witness" to review and audit the value proposition of specific deals that are on the table.

The role of IIIE Deal Desk consultants provide independent third party support for IIIE Value√ certified models in real world sales motions.


IIIE works with IT Buyers to validate ROI and TCO during any and all phases of a project lifecycle.

IT Economics Research and Thought Leadership

IIIE is an active participant in the IT market.  We participate in cooperation with industry associations and academic institutions to research and present our findings on the latest trends in IT economics.

Check out our websites at iiievalue.com to review our services and read the latest news on IT economics.